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Best Oculoplastic Surgery in Mumbai, India

Top Oculoplastic Surgery Clinic in India for Eyelid Ptosis, Dark Circles in India

Meet The Doctor
Dr Debraj Shome
Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome is one of the best oculoplastic (ophthalmic plastic) & facial plastic surgeons in the world. Dr. Debraj Shome currently practices in Mumbai, India. Trained from top institutes in India & the USA, Dr. Debraj Shome is one of very few plastic surgeons featured on Wikipedia. Dr. Debraj Shome specializes in oculoplastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, eyelid surgery for ptosis & eye lid diseases, orbital & socket surgery, false eye fitting, lacrimal surgery, ocular oncology (treatment of eye & eyelid cancers) & cosmetic procedures like mid-face lift, anti-aging treatment, treatment for dark circles & remedies for puffy eyes, Botox injections & dermal fillers.
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Looking for a top class oculoplastic clinic?

If you are looking for the best oculoplastic clinic, then you must have a problem that involves the eyes, the tear ducts, the eyelids, or the face. The best oculoplastic clinic like The Esthetic Clinics at Mumbai, India, is one which will work with procedures to do with any of the above. 

Finding the best oculoplastic clinic will not be a problem in your city. This website belongs to a world-class chain of plastic surgery and oculoplastic surgery clinics. We offer the complete range of services that you have come to expect from a state-of-the art oculoplastic clinic. From Blepharoplasty to Botox to Face Lifts to retinoblastoma, our oculoplastic clinics offers consultation and services of all kinds.

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