
A brow lift, which is also known as browplasty is a surgical procedure which is done to tighten the tissues and skin of the forehead to restore the youthful appearance of the upper eyelids, forehead skin and the eyebrows. The ideal position of a young eye brow is just above the orbital rim which arches gradually in the lateral direction and comes to halt above the medial end. Unfortunately, as a person ages, the brows fall down in a flatter position, which give the face an old look. Brow lift is one of the most commonly carried out procedure which is done to regain youthful appearance.

When to opt for a brow lift procedure:-

Anyone can opt for a brow lift procedure if one notices lower eyebrow position than normal or the eyebrows have begun to sag. A brow lift can also be performed if someone has deep horizontal lines across the forehead. Brow lift is also suitable for excess skin or fat tissues above the eyes. Frown lines and grooves between the eyebrows can also be corrected by brow lift procedure.


Types of brow lift techniques:-

With developments in the field of medicine, the techniques for brow lift have become less invasive. Techniques, today only involve short incisions and new endoscopic techniques are also being used. Incisions can be made in the upper eyelids or the forehead or in the scalp. Types of brow lift procedure can be:-

  • Endoscopic brow lift: – this procedure requires several tiny incisions on the scalp. It may not result in same benefits for everyone. An endoscope is a long tube like instrument which has a video camera attached to one end. This allows the surgeons to have a look at the various structures inside the scalp.
  • Open brow lift: – in this procedure, an incision is made either in the creases of the forehead or along the hairline. Then the underlying tissues are lifted up. Then the excess fat is removed and the eyebrow is stitched in to its new position. Open brow lift procedure is also called coronal, trichophytic brow lift or classic brow lift.
  • Limited incision technique- this procedure is a combination of both the procedure mentioned above. The outside portion of the eyebrows is lifted under direct vision without the use of an endoscope. The resultant scars are generally hidden under the temporal hairline even in the balding men. This procedure is highly effective for crow’s feet which occur at the corner of the eyes, but it does not address the centre of the eye brows. Generally, the brow lift procedures are performed along with upper blepharoplasty.


An endoscopic lift is a good option for those patients in whom the brow droop is mild and there are horizontal wrinkles. A coronal forehead lift is an ideal option for patients with deep wrinkles and advanced brow droop. Or patients who already have high hairline and a wide forehead, a subcutaneous lift is the answer. In this procedure the incisions are made very near the hair line which can be hidden with the hair.

The type of the brow lift procedure is done on a patient in accordance with his/her features and facial shape.


Types of scars resulting from the surgery:-

The type of scar that remains depends upon the technique that the surgeon uses. Generally, all surgeons make the incisions so that they are not visible and are well concealed under the hairline. In the endoscopic technique, three small incisions may be made on the top of the scalp and one incision each may be made on the temples. The incisions are completely concealed. In the coronal technique the incision begins above the ear and is made above across the scalp. In the limited incision technique, the incisions are hidden in the temples. If the procedure is done along with upper blepharoplasty, generally the same incision which is made on the upper eyelid is used for brow lift also.

Things to remember before the surgery:-

  • Alcohol consumption should be stopped or controlled.
  • Smoking should be stopped at least six weeks before the procedure as it can cause complications and it slows down healing post surgery.
  • Certain medications should be avoided before the surgery.
  • Someone should be designated to take care of the patient for at least two days after the surgery.


After the surgery, the sutures are removed typically within a week. Heavy exercising and work outs should be avoided. Only mild activities should be carried out within the week following the surgery.

The surgery should be carried out by an expert surgeon, who can give the best treatment options in accordance with a patient’s needs.

Dr. Debraj Shome is one of India best cosmetic oculoplastic surgeon who is currently practicing in Mumbai, India.