If your thin lips are bothering you and you want them to appear fuller, it might be time to look into lip augmentation in India. This type of cosmetic procedure can enhance the appearance of your lips and even make them look more youthful. Here are some tips to keep in mind before you elect to undergo this procedure.

  • Ask your doctor if you are a good candidate. Lip enhancement might be the ideal solution for those who were born with naturally thin lips, as well as those who have lost volume in their lips due to the aging process. Make sure that you don’t have any medical conditions or allergies that can inhibit the healing process. Ask your GP for the go signal.
  • Decide if you want to choose the surgical or the non-surgical route. Lip augmentation in India can be done on just one or both lips. The procedure typically involves either the injection of fillers or the surgical placement of lip implants made of various synthetic as well as natural materials.
  • Educate yourself about the different types of fillers available. There are a number options in the non-surgical category. Collagen can be injected via ultra-fine needles into your lips in order to temporarily enlarge them (provided that you are not allergic to it). Other options include hyaluronic acid dermal filler injections, which are hypoallergenic and often considered safer than collagen injections. Note that results will only last several months, so you need to come back for maintenance. This is because these injectable are eventually absorbed by your body. The rate of absorption varies. Collagen might last anywhere from 3 to 6 months. The body takes about 6 to 9 months to absorb Restylane, and anywhere from 12 to 18 months to absorb Juvederm. Take this into consideration when choosing your filler.